Hey all,
Its been a while since I’ve posted and lots of changes to speak of.
As many of you know, for the last few years I have had the great privilege of heading up the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training program internationally. It has brought me so many opportunities to get to know students from around the world, build an amazing global community, and serve my teachers, and friends. It was the blessing of a lifetime to have a job where I was able to immerse myself in the teachings, understand the material inside out, and be able to serve and practice so many aspects of
the yoga practice beyond asana.
As those of you who have done it know, the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training program transforms your life and I got to do 11 of them, and with each one I learned something invaluable that has made me a better teacher, student, leader, friend, and member of the community. My eternal thanks to Sharon-ji and David-ji for their love and trust and for bringing me into this family.
Now its time to take those lessons and build something new that serves in an equal, but different capacity….
In October of 2017 I officially moved from New York to Los Angeles. Though I hadn’t actually been home in New York for quite a few years (traveling with Jiva TT mostly) I still had an apartment there…which I finally gave up to make a home on the west coast. Some of the transition has been seamless, some of it has been super
tough…but I am lucky to have the support of my family and friends and that makes all the difference in the world. Its been a while since I have had a “home” and I have one now, in DTLA, and its wonderful.
I am currently (still) looking for a space to open the first Jivamukti Yoga studio here in Los Angeles. Its been challenging, and the learning curve on LA commercial real estate has been steeper than I had hoped, but more an more, I am gaining the confidence that creating a space for a Jivamukti community here is the next step in being able to contribute to a global satsang and method that I love.
In the meantime, while I continue the search, I am teaching classes locally at a sweet studio in Silverlake called ROAM LA. Its run by my friends Chad Dennis and Jennifer Perry and is literally a rose-colored little world that charms and delights. They are amazing devoted teachers of yoga and you should go visit them if you are ever in LA.
I’m headed out on my European Spring Tour in mid-March and it will probably be my only major travel this year. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with the European sangha and hope you’ll stop by somewhere to say hi.
I’ll post from the road, so stay tuned if you’re interested….
with love and blessings,